
Payment made simple for your marketplace

A secure, compliant and modular solution to simplify payments for product, service and financial marketplaces in Europe


Streamline your payment flows and unlock
the full potential of your platform

Product and service marketplaces

Whether you manage a B2B, B2C, or C2C marketplace, handling payments for your platform has never been easier. 

  1. Simplify and digitise business-to-business, business-to-customer or customer-to-customer relationships
  2. Offer a wide range of payment means and methods tailored to your customers
  3. Ensure compliance, your merchant’s identification, and secure transactions
  4. Simplify product and service purchase between your users, manage your commissions and monitor cash flows in real-time.

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Financial marketplaces

Manage fully compliant transactions between your donors, investors and project promoters.

  1. Crowdlending: simplify the process of connecting investors and project promoters by delegating your regulatory process to us
  2. Crowdequity: optimise investments in equity  for start-ups and SMEs
  3. Donations: make the connection between donors and fundraisers secure by facilitating the fully compliant collection and fund transfer to beneficiaries
  4. Invoice trading: optimise the financing of invoices, collection of trade receivables and the cash flow needs of your users.

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A unified payment solution with modular
functionalities for your marketplace


Testing and integration
A powerful and modular API for developers
An all-round solution to fight fraud and minimise risks
Ouverture accélérée des comptes de paiement grâce au KYC instantané
Accelerated opening of payment accounts thanks to Instant KYC
Gestion des comptes de paiement
Management and reconciliation
Efficient and centralised management of your payment accounts
An intuitive dashboard for complete monitoring of your business

Our trusted partners

Simplify your payments and unlock the potential of your platform

Contact your dedicated expert and get full support throughout your integration project.